Source code for splinelib.splinelib

import numpy as np

[docs]class SplineSpace(object): """ Class for representing a spline space """ def __init__(self, knots, degree): """ Constructor for Spline class. Generates a spline based on given knots, coeffs and degree. Args: knots (np.ndarray): Knot vector degree (int): Degree of the spline Raises: TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ # Check types if not isinstance(knots, (np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("knot vector must be a numpy array") if not isinstance(degree, int): raise TypeError("degree must be an integer") # Store attributes self._knots = knots.astype(np.float64) self._degree = degree def __len__(self): """ Returns the dimension of the spline space """ return (len(self._knots) - self._degree - 1) def __call__(self, x): """ Evaluates all the active basis splines on x Args: x (float): Point to evaluate in Returns: np.ndarray: The value of all active B-splines Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ return self.evaluate_basis(x) def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks wether two spaces are equal or not. Two spline spaces are equal if they have the same knot vector, and the same degree. Args: other (SplineSpace): Space to compare to Returns: True if spaces are equal, False if not Raises: TypeError: If other is not a SplineSpace """ if not isinstance(other, SplineSpace): raise TypeError( "Cannot compare SplineSpace to %s" % str(type(other))) return self._degree == other._degree and ( self._knots == other._knots).all()
[docs] def find_knot_index(self, x): """ Given a knot vector and a real number x with x in [t_1, t_{n+d+1} ), returns the index µ such that t_µ ≤ x < t_{µ+1}. Args: x (float): Real value to find the knot interval of Returns: int: first index µ such that t_µ ≤ x < t_{µ+1} Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ # Check types if x < self._knots[0] or x >= self._knots[-1]: raise ValueError( "x=%g is outside of knot vector range [%g, %g)" % (x, self._knots[0], self._knots[-1]) ) if not isinstance(x, (float, int)): raise TypeError("x must be a number") # Argmax returns first entry when multiple indexes achieve maximum (max # is 1 when array is of boolean type) return np.max(np.argmax(self._knots > x) - 1, 0)
[docs] def evaluate_basis(self, x): """ Evaluates all the active basis splines on x Args: x (float): Point to evaluate in Returns: np.ndarray: The value of all active B-splines Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ # Find knot interval mu = self.find_knot_index(x) # Initialize b vector b = np.zeros(self._degree + 1, dtype=np.float64) b[-1] = 1 for k in range(1, self._degree + 1): for j in range(mu - k + 1, mu + 1): # Shift index i = j - mu - 1 # Calculate new b values b[i - 1] += (self._knots[j + k] - x) / ( self._knots[j + k] - self._knots[j]) * b[i] b[i] = (x - self._knots[j]) / ( self._knots[j + k] - self._knots[j]) * b[i] return b
[docs] def get_knots(self): """ Returns a copy of the knot vector for the space that can safely be edited without accidentally modifying the space. Returns: np.ndarray: knot vector for space """ return self._knots.copy()
[docs] def get_degree(self): """ Returns the degree of the space Returns: int: degree of spline """ return self._degree
[docs] def get_support(self): """ Returns the largest possible support of all the splines in the space Returns: float, float: boundaries of support (minimum and maximum) """ return self._knots[self.get_degree()], \ self._knots[-self.get_degree() - 1]
[docs] def create_spline(self, coeffs): """ Creates a spline within this spline space with given coefficients Args: coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficient vector for the spline Returns: A Spline object, representing a spline inside the space Raises: ValueError: If the number of coefficients doesn't match space dimension. TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ return Spline(self, coeffs)
[docs]class Spline(object): """ Class for representing a spline. """ def __init__(self, space: SplineSpace, coeffs): """ Creates a spline within given spline space with given coefficients. Consider using create_spline in SplineSpace instead. Args: space (SplineSpace): Space to create a spline within coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficient vector for the spline Raises: ValueError: If the number of coefficients doesn't match space dimension. TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ # Check types if not coeffs.T.shape[0] == len(space): raise ValueError( "Number of coeffs for a spline in a space of degree %d with %d knots must be %d!" % ( space._degree, len(space._knots), len(space))) if not isinstance(coeffs, (np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("coeff vector must be a numpy array") if not isinstance(space, SplineSpace): raise TypeError("space must be of type SplineSpace") # Store attributes self._space = space if coeffs.ndim == 1: self._coeffs = coeffs.astype(np.float64).reshape([1, len(coeffs)]) else: self._coeffs = coeffs.astype(np.float64) def __call__(self, x): """ Evaluate a spline in the given point. Args: x (float): Point to evaluate spline in Returns: The value of the spline in the given point Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ return self.evaluate(x) def __add__(self, other): """ Add self to another spline. Ie, if p1 is added to p2, the sum, p3, is defined as: p3(x) = p1(x) + p2(x) for all possible x. Args: other (Spline): Spline to add Returns: A new spline representing the sum of this spline and the other. Raises: TypeError: If other is not a spline in the same space. """ if not isinstance(other, Spline): raise TypeError("Cannot add Spline to %s" % str(type(other))) if not other._space == self._space: raise TypeError("Both splines must be from the same spline space") return Spline(self._space, self._coeffs + other._coeffs) def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks if two splines are equal. Two splines p1 and p2 are equal iff p1(x) = p2(x) for all possible x. Args: other (Spline): Spline to compare to self Returns: True if spaces are equal, False if not. Raises: TypeError: If other is not a Spline. """ if not isinstance(other, Spline): raise TypeError("Cannot compare Spline to %s" % str(type(other))) return self._space == other._space and ( self._coeffs == other._coeffs).all()
[docs] def get_coeffs(self): """ Returns a copy of the coefficients to the spline that can safely be edited without accidentally modifying the spline. Returns: np.ndarray: coefficients of spline """ return self._coeffs.copy()
[docs] def get_knots(self): """ Returns a copy of the knot vector for the spline that can safely be edited without accidentally modifying the spline. Returns: np.ndarray: knot vector for spline """ return self._space.get_knots()
[docs] def get_degree(self): """ Returns the degree of the spline Returns: int: degree of spline """ return self._space.get_degree()
[docs] def get_support(self): """ Returns the support of the spline Returns: float, float: boundaries of support (minimum and maximum) """ return self._space.get_support()
[docs] def is_parametric(self): """ Returns True if this object represents a parametric curve, False if it represents a function. Returns: bool: Whether the Spline object represents a curve or a function """ return self._coeffs.shape[0] != 1
[docs] def get_control_polygon(self): """ Get points for the control polygon of the spline. This will only work for functions or 2D curves. Returns: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): x and y coordinates for control polygon """ if not self.is_parametric(): ts = np.zeros_like(self._coeffs); for j in range(len(self._coeffs)): ts[j] = np.sum(self._space._knots[j + 1:j + self._space._degree + 1]) \ / self._space._degree return ts, self._coeffs.copy() else: return self._coeffs[0, :].copy(), self._coeffs[1, :].copy()
def _oslo(self, new_knots, index): """ Implementation of the Oslo algorithm for knot insertion Args: new_knots: new knot vector, containing the old as a subset index: index to work at Returns: new coefficient value for the knot at given index """ # Find knot interval1 mu = self._space.find_knot_index(new_knots[index]) # Create some shortcuts because the below expression for c[i] would be # crazy ugly otherwise. d = self._space._degree t = self._space._knots # Initialize c vector. Deep copy, so we don't overwrite the # coefficients. Ensure float types to avoid integer computations. c = self._coeffs[:, mu - d:mu + 1].copy().astype(np.float64) for k in range(d, 0, -1): for j in range(mu, mu - k, -1): # Shift index for indexing in array i = j - mu + d # Compute next iteration of c_index c[:, i] = (new_knots[index + k] - t[j]) / (t[j + k] - t[j]) * c[:, i] \ + (t[j + k] - new_knots[index + k]) / (t[j + k] - t[j]) * c[:, i - 1] return c[:, -1]
[docs] def insert_knots(self, new_knots): """ Replace knot vector and recompute coefficients to fit these new knots. Args: new_knots: New knot vector containing the old as a subset Returns: None """ # Create new space object new_space = SplineSpace(new_knots, self._space._degree) # Initilalize new coeff vector additional_knots = len(new_knots) - len(self._space._knots) new_coeffs = np.zeros(len(self._coeffs) + additional_knots, dtype=np.float64) # Populate new coeff vector for i in range(len(new_coeffs)): new_coeffs[i] = self._oslo(new_knots, i); # Update spline self._space = new_space self._coeffs = new_coeffs
[docs] def close(self): """ Forces the spline curve to close. This will change the above space. Raises: ValueError: if spline is not a curve, but a function """ if not self.is_parametric(): raise ValueError("Cannot close a function. Spline object must be a curve.") for i in range(self._space.get_degree()): if (i > self._space.get_degree() / 2): self._coeffs[:, -self._space.get_degree() + i] = self._coeffs[:, i] elif (i == self._space.get_degree() / 2): middle = self._coeffs[:, -self._space.get_degree() + i] + self._coeffs[:, i] / 2 self._coeffs[:, -self._space.get_degree() + i] = middle self._coeffs[:, i] = middle else: self._coeffs[:, i] = self._coeffs[:, -self._space.get_degree() + i]
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): """ Evaluate a spline in the (given) point(s). Args: x: Point to evaluate spline in. If x is a float, it will be evaluated in the single point. If it is an array-like object, it will be evaulated in every point. Returns: float or np.ndarray: The value of the spline in the given point Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ if isinstance(x, (float, int)): return self._inner_evaluate(x) elif isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): results = np.zeros([self._coeffs.shape[0], len(x)]) for i in range(results.shape[1]): results[:, i] = self._inner_evaluate(x[i]) return results else: raise TypeError("Cannot evaluate type " + type(x))
[docs] def evaluate_all(self): """ Evaluate a spline on entire knot vector Returns: A tuple of np.ndarrays with arguments and values. """ xs = np.linspace(*self.get_support(), 1000, endpoint=False) ps = self.evaluate(xs) if not self.is_parametric(): return xs, ps[0, :] else: return ps
def _inner_evaluate(self, x): """ Evaluate a spline in the given point. Args: x (float): Point to evaluate spline in Returns: The value of the spline in the given point Raises: ValueError: If x is outside the knot vector range TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ # Find knot interval mu = self._space.find_knot_index(x) # Create some shortcuts because the below expression for c[i] would be # crazy ugly otherwise. d = self._space._degree t = self._space._knots # Initialize c vector. Deep copy, so we don't overwrite the # coefficients. Ensure float types to avoid integer computations. c = self._coeffs[:, mu - d:mu + 1].copy().astype(np.float64) for k in range(d, 0, -1): for j in range(mu, mu - k, -1): # Shift index for indexing in array i = j - mu + d # Compute next iteration of c_index c[:, i] = (x - t[j]) / (t[j + k] - t[j]) * c[:, i] \ + (t[j + k] - x) / (t[j + k] - t[j]) * c[:, i - 1] return c[:, -1]
[docs]class TensorProductSplineSpace(object): """ Class for representing a Tensor product space between two spline spaces. """ def __init__(self, spaces): """ Initialize a tensor-product spline space from given spline spaces. Args: spaces (iterable): A list of spaces to make a tensor product space from. Currently, only two spaces are supported. Raises: TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ if not len(spaces) == 2: raise TypeError("Need two dimensions of spline spaces") if not isinstance(spaces[0], SplineSpace) \ or not isinstance(spaces[1], SplineSpace): raise TypeError("Both spaces must be of type SplineSpace!") self._spaces = spaces
[docs] def get_spaces(self): """ Returns all the spaces this space is a tensor product space of. Returns: List of SplineSpace: Each individual dimension in the tensor product spline space. """ return self._spaces
[docs] def create_spline(self, coeffs): """ Creates a spline surface within this spline space with given coefficients Args: coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficient matrix for the spline. If ndim is 2 the spline will be non-parametric, if ndim is 3, the spline will be parametric. Returns: A Spline object, representing a spline inside the space Raises: ValueError: If the number of coefficients doesn't match space dimension. TypeError: If any arg is of the wrong type """ return SplineSurface(self, coeffs)
[docs]class SplineSurface(object): """ Class for representing an element in a tensor-product spline space """ def __init__(self, space, coeffs): """ Initialize a spline. Do not use this constructor directly, consider using TensorProductSplineSpace.create_spline instead. Args: space (TensorProductSplineSpace): The spline space this spline is in. coeffs (np.ndarray): Coefficient matrix. If ndim is 2 the spline will be non-parametric, if ndim is 3, the spline will be parametric. """ if not isinstance(coeffs, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Coeffs must be a numpy array") if not np.ndim(coeffs) in [2, 3]: raise TypeError( "Coeffs must be a matrix or an array of matrices (ie, ndim is 2 or 3)" ) if not coeffs.shape[0:2] == ( len(space.get_spaces()[0]), len(space.get_spaces()[1])): raise TypeError( "Coeffs must be of shape [{}, {}]".format(len(space.get_spaces()[0]), len(space.get_spaces()[1])) ) self._space = space self._coeffs = coeffs
[docs] def is_parametric(self): """ Returns true if the object represents a parametric spline surface. Returns: bool: Whether spline is a parametric surface or not. """ return np.ndim(self._coeffs) == 3
[docs] def get_coeffs(self): """ Returns a copy of the coefficients to the spline that can safely be edited without accidentally modifying the spline. Returns: np.ndarray: coefficients of spline """ return self._coeffs.copy()
[docs] def get_space(self): """ Get the space this surface is in. Returns: TensorProductSplineSpace: The space of the surface. """ return self._space
[docs] def evaluate(self, u, v): """ Evaluate surface in given point Args: u (float): Either x coordinate (if non-parametric) or parameter value in first dimension (if parametric) v (float): Either y coordinate (if non-parametric) or parameter value in second dimension (if parametric): Returns: float or np.ndarray: Function value (if non-parametric) or point (if parametric) of surface at given (u, v). """ if not isinstance(u, (int, float)) or not isinstance(v, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Args must be numbers") # Find knot indecies mu = self._space.get_spaces()[0].find_knot_index(u) nu = self._space.get_spaces()[1].find_knot_index(v) # Make a local reference to degree for easier access in the formula d1 = self._space.get_spaces()[0].get_degree() d2 = self._space.get_spaces()[0].get_degree() # Get value of all active B-splines for given us and vs phi = self._space.get_spaces()[0].evaluate_basis(u) psi = self._space.get_spaces()[1].evaluate_basis(v) # Combine with coeff matrix to yield value of B-spline if self.is_parametric(): point = np.zeros(self._coeffs.shape[2]) for d in range(self._coeffs.shape[2]): point[d] = phi @ self._coeffs[mu - d1:mu + 1, nu - d2:nu + 1, d] @ psi return point else: return phi @ self._coeffs[mu - d1:mu + 1, nu - d2:nu + 1] @ psi
[docs] def evaluate_all(self, points_u=50, points_v=50): """ Evaluate surface on its support. Only supported for 3D surfaces. Args: points_u (int): Number of points in u direction. Optional, default is 50. points_v (int): Number of points in v direction. Optional, default is 50. Returns: triple of np.ndarray or np.ndarray: x, y and z coordinates for surface. If the spline is non-paramatric, it's a triple of (x, y, z) where x and y are a meshgrid of parameters, and z is the corresponding function values. If the spline is parametric it's a (points_u, points_v, 3)-shaped np.ndarray of points. """ u = np.linspace(*self._space.get_spaces()[0].get_support(), points_u, endpoint=False) v = np.linspace(*self._space.get_spaces()[1].get_support(), points_v, endpoint=False) if self.is_parametric(): points = np.zeros([points_u, points_v, 3]) for i in range(points_u): for j in range(points_v): points[i, j, :] = self.evaluate(u[i], v[j]) return points else: z = np.zeros([len(u), len(v)]) for i in range(len(u)): for j in range(len(v)): z[i, j] = self.evaluate(u[i], v[j]) x, y = np.meshgrid(u, v) return x, y, z