Source code for

import numpy as np
from .splinelib import *

[docs]def least_squares(data, knots, degree, weights=None): """ Fit a non-parametric spline function to the data using least squares optimization Args: data (np.ndarray): Data to fit from, with dimensions (m, 2). First column is x direction, and second column is y direction. knots (np.ndarray): Knot vector to fit spline onto degree (int): Desired degree of spline weights (np.ndarray): Optional. Associated weights to data, assumed to all be equal to 1 if omitted. Must be of the same dimensions as data. Returns: Spline: a spline function fitted to the data """ # Ensure float type to avoid integer computations data = data.astype(np.float64) # Init space space = SplineSpace(knots, degree) # Get dimensions m, _ = data.shape n = len(knots) - degree - 1 # Initialize weights to 1 if arg is omitted if weights is None: weights = np.ones(m, dtype=np.float64) # Construct data matrix and vector A = np.zeros([m, n], dtype=np.float64) for i in range(m): mu = space.find_knot_index(data[i, 0]) A[i, mu - degree:mu + 1] = np.sqrt(weights[i]) * space(data[i, 0]) # Mask out zero columns so we avoid a singular matrix in the normal equations non_zero_cols = np.sum(A, axis=0) > 0.001 A = A[:, non_zero_cols] b = np.sqrt(weights) * data[:, 1] # Solve normal equations try: c = np.linalg.solve(A.T @ A, A.T @ b) error = False except np.linalg.LinAlgError: error = True if error: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("No solution to normal equations") # Pad with zeros in c corresponding to where we removed columns from A c_new = np.zeros_like(non_zero_cols, dtype=np.float64) i = 0 for j in range(len(non_zero_cols)): if non_zero_cols[j]: c_new[j] = c[i] i += 1 # Return spline using these coeffs return space.create_spline(c_new)
[docs]def least_squares_3d(data_x, data_y, data_f, knots_x, knots_y, degree, weights_x=None, weights_y=None): """ Fit a non-parametric spline function in two variables to given data using least squares optimization. Args: data_x (np.ndarray): Data points in x direction. Vector of size m1. data_y (np.ndarray): Data points in y direction. Vector of size m2. data_f (np.ndarray): Estimated function values for each x and y. Matrix of shape (m1, m2). knots_x (np.ndarray): Knot vector for x space. knots_y (np.ndarray): Knot vector for y space. degree (int): Degree of spline surface. weights_x (np.ndarray): Weight vector for x direction (of length m1). Optional, defaults to 1s if omitted. weights_y (np.ndarray): Weight vector for y direction (of length m2). Optional, defaults to 1s if omitted. Returns: SplineSurface: A spline surface fitted to the data. """ # Ensure float type to avoid integer computations data_x = data_x.astype(np.float64) data_y = data_y.astype(np.float64) data_f = data_f.astype(np.float64) # Default weights to 1 if omitted if weights_x is None: weights_x = np.ones_like(data_x) if weights_y is None: weights_y = np.ones_like(data_y) # Init space space = TensorProductSplineSpace([ SplineSpace(knots_x, degree), SplineSpace(knots_y, degree) ]) # Get dimensions m1 = len(data_x) m2 = len(data_y) n1 = len(knots_x) - degree - 1 n2 = len(knots_y) - degree - 1 # Construct data matrices A = np.zeros([m1, n1]) B = np.zeros([m2, n2]) G = np.zeros([m1, m2]) space_x, space_y = space.get_spaces() # Construct A for i in range(m1): mu = space_x.find_knot_index(data_x[i]) A[i, mu - degree:mu + 1] = np.sqrt(weights_x[i]) * space_x(data_x[i]) # Construct B for j in range(m2): nu = space_y.find_knot_index(data_y[j]) B[j, nu - degree:nu + 1] = np.sqrt(weights_y[i]) * space_y(data_y[j]) # Construct G for i, j in np.ndindex(G.shape): G[i, j] = np.sqrt(weights_x[i] * weights_y[j]) * data_f[i, j] # Solve normal equations try: D = np.linalg.solve(A.T @ A, A.T @ G) C = np.linalg.solve(B.T @ B, B.T @ D.T).T error = False except np.linalg.LinAlgError: error = True if error: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("No solution to normal equations") return space.create_spline(C)
[docs]def uniform(data): """ Returns a column vector with parametrization for the data using the uniform parametrization scheme. Args: data (np.ndarray): Points to parametrize Returns: np.ndarray: Uniform parametrization of the data """ return np.arange(0, data.shape[0]).reshape([data.shape[0], 1])
[docs]def cord_length(data): """ Returns a column vector with parametrization for the data using the cord length parametrization scheme. Args: data (np.ndarray): Points to parametrize Returns: np.ndarray: Cord length parametrization of the data """ u = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) for i in range(1, len(u)): u[i] = u[i - 1] + np.linalg.norm(data[i, :] - data[i - 1, :], ord=2) return u.reshape([len(u), 1])
[docs]def centripetal(data): """ Returns a column vector with parametrization for the data using the centripetal parametrization scheme. Args: data (np.ndarray): Points to parametrize Returns: np.ndarray: Centripetal parametrization of the data """ u = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) for i in range(1, len(u)): u[i] = u[i - 1] + np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(data[i, :] - data[i - 1, :], ord=2)) return u.reshape([len(u), 1])
[docs]def fit_curve(data, knots, degree, method=least_squares, parametrization=cord_length): """ Fits a parametric curve of arbitrary dimension D from m given data points Args: data (np.ndarray): Data to fit curve from. An (m, D) matrix. knots (np.ndarray): Knot vector. degree (int): Degree of desired spline. method (callable): Optional. Method for approximation. Available options are - parametrization (callable): Optional. Method for parametrization. Available options are - - - Default is cord_length. Returns: Spline: A spline curve fitted to the data. """ D = data.shape[1] coeffs = np.zeros([D, len(knots) - degree - 1]) # Generate parametrization and augment data par = parametrization(data) data = np.hstack([par, data]) # Approximate coeffs in each dimension for dimension in range(D): subset = np.vstack([data[:, 0], data[:, dimension + 1]]).T coeffs[dimension, :] = method(subset, knots, degree).get_coeffs() # Create spline and return space = SplineSpace(knots, degree) return space.create_spline(coeffs)
[docs]def fit_surface(data, knots_u, knots_v, degree, method=least_squares_3d, parametrization=cord_length, par_u=None, par_v=None): """ Fit a parametric spline surface to given data of arbitrary dimension D. Args: data (np.ndarray): A data matrix with shape (n1, n2, D), where n1 and n2 are the number of points in each parameter direction, and D is the dimension of space (typically 3). knots_u (np.ndarray): Knot vector in u direction. knots_v (np.ndarray): Knot vecotr in v direction. degree (int): Degree of splines. method (callable): Approximation method. Available options are: - Optional. Default is least_squares_3d. parametrization (callable): Scheme for generation of parametrization. Options are: - - - Optional. Default is cord_length. par_u (np.ndarray): Override parametrization in u direction (this ignores whatever that is passed as 'parametrization'). par_v (np.ndarray): Override parametrization in v direction (this ignores whatever that is passed as 'parametrization'). Returns: SplineSurface: A parametrix surface fitted to the data. """ # Do parametrization if necessary if par_u is None: par_u = parametrization(data[:, 0, 0]) if par_v is None: par_v = parametrization(data[0, :, 0]) # Get implicit parameter values D = data.shape[2] m1 = len(knots_u) - degree - 1 m2 = len(knots_v) - degree - 1 # Initialize result array coeffs = np.zeros([m1, m2, D]) # Fit each dimension using requested method for dimension in range(D): coeffs[:, :, dimension] = method( par_u, par_v, data[:, :, dimension], knots_u, knots_v, 3 ).get_coeffs() # Create space and resulting surface. space = TensorProductSplineSpace([ SplineSpace(knots_u, degree), SplineSpace(knots_v, degree) ]) return space.create_spline(coeffs)
[docs]def generate_uniform_knots(data, degree, length=20, regular=True): """ Generates a d+1-extended knot vector for the data, with knots uniformly distributed. Args: data (np.ndarray): Data to fit knots from (parametrization). Used to find min and max value needed. degree (int): Degree of spline to fit on knot vector. length (int): Optional. Length of created knot vector. Default is 20. regular (bool): Optional. Make vector d+1-regular in addition to d+1-extended. Default is True Returns: np.ndarray: A knot vector for the data with knots uniformly distributed. """ # Find min and max, and store something slightly less/bigger minval = np.min(data) maxval = np.max(data) + 1e-12 # Create inner knots, each with a multiplicity of 1 inner_knots = np.linspace(minval, maxval, length - 2 * (degree), endpoint=True) if regular: # Pad with d+1 entries of min/maxval at the ends to make the knot d+1-regular knots = np.zeros(2 * degree + len(inner_knots)) knots[0:degree] = degree * [minval] knots[degree:len(inner_knots) + degree] = inner_knots knots[len(inner_knots) + degree:] = degree * [maxval] else: # Find step size and continue d+1 times in each direction step_size = inner_knots[1] - inner_knots[0] knots = np.linspace(minval - (degree) * step_size, maxval + (degree) * step_size, length, endpoint=True) # Shift knots with something very small to cope with rounding errors (knot indices # will depend on stuff being strictly smaller). return knots - 1e-13
[docs]def sample(spline, num=20, min=None, max=None): """ Samples the spline uniformly, and returns points. Args: spline (Spline): Spline to sample num (int): Number of points to sample. Optional, defaults to 20. min (int): Lower bound of sampling range. Optional, defaults to lower bound of the support for the spline if omitted. max (int): Upper bound of sampling range. Optional, defaults to upper bound of the support for the spline if omitted. Returns (np.ndarray): Sampled points """ if min is None: min = spline.get_support()[0] if max is None: max = spline.get_support()[1] xs = np.linspace(min, max, num, endpoint=False) return spline(xs)